Name: Garnelenhaus GmbH
Address: Ohlweg 8, 22885 Barsbüttel, Deutschland
European Manufacturer: Yes
Micro Powder adds important microorganisms, amino acids and enzymes to your aquarium. It improves the water quality and increases the development of the biofilm that shrimps and especially their offspring need. This resulting biofilm ensures a constantly available, protein-rich food supply, which increases the survival rate of young shrimps in particular and enables healthy development. In addition, probiotic bacteria, among other things, improve the animals' nutrient absorption and regulate digestion.
The bacterial cultures contained in Bacter AE Micro Powder are in a kind of "dormant state" and become active immediately upon contact with water. They remove pollutants and, together with the coordinated ingredients, ensure a good microclimate in the aquarium.
Dosage (approx. 120 litres each)
We usually ship within 2-6 working days so that you can receive your order quickly.
The collections
for healthy aquarium inhabitants
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